#1 Chicago Home Remodeling Company: Pegasus Construction

4 Luxurious Home Additions to Make Your Home More Loveable


It goes without saying home is the biggest investment one makes to keep it in the generations for years to come. And no wonder it takes several hours to create your dream home design so it lasts a lifetime. On the other hand, you spend a lot on maintenance to keep it looking gorgeous always. […]

Revamp Your Kitchen with the Best Kitchen


The kitchen is the centerpiece of every home. So, no wonder every homeowner desires to make it shine as the apple of an eye, especially when it’s the welcome gathering space, whether it be friends, guests, or families! And if you want to transform your outdated cooking space into a stylish and functional one, kitchen […]

Three Signs That It’s Time To Replace Your Windows


Windows can last a long time, but they certainly won’t last forever. Window replacement is one of the most vital services that a home remodeling company can offer. In fact, replacement windows expertly installed by a home remodeling professional will make your home look and feel better than it has in years! Your windows will […]

Three Things To Consider Before A Bathroom Remodel


Bathroom remodeling is one of the most popular home remodeling services we offer at Pegasus Construction. It’s right up there with kitchen remodeling, as clients know that a nice bathroom can add quite a bit of value to one’s home. Though it may not seem as such, bathroom remodeling can easily turn into one of […]

Why Should I Call A Professional Remodeling Company?


“I don’t need to call anybody. I can handle these renovations myself.” This is one of the most common refrains you hear in homes across the country when it comes time to tackle a home remodeling project. Sure, it sounds easy enough to tackle a basement remodeling or a bathroom remodeling project on your own, […]

learn how to hire a contractor in easy steps, steps to choosing your remodeling contractor
Learn How to Hire a Contractor in 3 Easy Steps

Choosing the right contractor for your remodel can be simple. Use our free guide to walk you through 3 easy steps to select the perfect contractor.